Liste des publications 2013

- Metabolomics Tools for Describing Complex Pesticide Exposure in Pregnant Women in Brittany (France).
Bonvallot N., Tremblay-Franco M., Chevrier C., Canlet C., Warembourg C., Cravedi J.-P., Cordier S. PLoS ONE, 2013,8(5): p. e64433.

- Kinetic aspects and identification of by-products during the ozonation of bitertanol in agricultural wastewaters.
Bourgin M., Violleau F., Debrauwer L., Albet J. Chemosphere, 2013,90(4): p. 1387-1395.

- Effects of low doses of bisphenol A on the metabolome of perinatally exposed CD-1 mice.
Cabaton N.J., Canlet C., Wadia P.R., Tremblay-Franco M., Gautier R., Molina J., Sonnenschein C., Cravedi J.-P., Rubin B.S., Soto A.M., Zalko D. Environ Health Perspect, 2013,121(5): p. 586-593.

- Specific metabolic fingerprint of a dietary exposure to a very low dose of endosulfan.
Canlet C., Tremblay-Franco M., Gautier R., Molina J., Métais J., Blas-Y-Estrada F., Gamet-Payrastre L. J Toxicol, 2013,2013: p. ID545802, 11 pages.

- New untargeted metabolic profiling combining mass spectrometry and isotopic labeling: application on A. fumigatus grown on wheat.
Cano P.M., Jamin E.L., Tadrist S., Bourdaud'hui P., Péan M., Debrauwer L., Oswald I.P., Delaforge M., Puel O. Anal Chem, 2013, 85: p.8412-8420.

- Bisphenol A Disposition in the Sheep Maternal-Placental-Fetal Unit: Mechanisms Determining Fetal Internal Exposure.
Corbel T., Gayrard V., Viguié C., Puel S., Lacroix M.Z., Toutain P.-L., Picard-Hagen N. Biol Reprod, 2013,89(1): p. 11, 1-9.

- Dietary exposure to a low dose of pesticides alone or as a mixture: The biological metabolic fingerprint and impact on hematopoiesis.
Demur C., Métais B., Canlet C., Tremblay-Franco M., Gautier R., Blas-Y-Estrada F., Sommer C., Gamet-Payrastre L. Toxicology, 2013,308: p. 74-87.

- High Bioavailability of Bisphenol A from Sublingual Exposure.
Gayrard V, Lacroix M.Z., Collet S.H., Viguié C., Bousquet-Melou A., Toutain P.L., N. P.-H. Environ Health Perspect, 2013,121(8): p. 951-956.

- Combined Genotoxic Effects of a Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbon (B(a)P) and an Heterocyclic Amine (PhIP) in Relation to Colorectal Carcinogenesis.
Jamin E.L., Riu A., Douki T., Debrauwer L., Cravedi J.-P., Zalko D., Audebert M. PLoS ONE, 2013, 8(3): p. e58591.

- Characterization of endocrine disruptors from a complex matrix using estrogen receptor affinity columns and high performance liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry.
Jondeau-Cabaton A., Soucasse A., Jamin E.L., Creusot N., Grimaldi M., Jouanin I., Ait-Aissa S., Balaguer P., Debrauwer L., Zalko D. Environ Sci Pollut Res Int, 2013,20(5): p. 2705-20.

- Relationships between the metabolome and the fatty acid composition of human saliva; effects of stimulation.
Neyraud E., Tremblay-Franco M., Gregoire S., Berdeaux O., Canlet C. Metabolomics, 2013,9(1): p. 213-222.

- The nuclear receptors Pregnane X Receptor and Constitutive Androstane Receptor contribute to the impact of fipronil on hepatic gene expression linked to thyroid hormone metabolism
Roques B., Leghait J., Lacroix M., Lasserre F., Pineau T., Viguié C., Martin P. Biochem Pharmacol 2013,86(7): p. 997-1039.

- Maternal and Fetal Exposure to Bisphenol A Is Associated with Alterations of Thyroid Function in Pregnant Ewes and Their Newborn Lambs.
Viguié C., Collet S.H., Gayrard V., Picard-Hagen N., Puel S., Roques B.B., Toutain P.-L., Lacroix M.Z. Endocrinol, 2013,154(1): p. 521-528.

- Disposition of fipronil in rats.
Cravedi J.P., Delous G., Zalko D., ViguiéC., Debrauwer L. Chemosphere, 2013, 93(10): p. 2276–2283

- Mining the brain metabolome to understand behavioural disruptions induced in mouse fed Hypochoeris radicata (L.), a neurotoxic plant for horse.
Domange C., Schroeder H., Violle N., Peiffer J., Canlet C., Paris A., Priymenko N. NeuroToxicology, 2013, 38: p. 74–83

- Metabolomics Coming of Age with its Technological Diversity, 1st Edition (Chapter One - High-Resolution 1H-NMR Spectroscopy and Beyond to Explore Plant Metabolome).
Rolin D, Deborde C, Maucourt M, Cabasson C, Fauvelle F, Jacob D, Canlet C, Moing A, Advances in Botanical Research (Ed: Rollin D) Elsevier, 2013, 67: p. 1-66.

Date de modification : 06 juin 2023 | Date de création : 08 janvier 2014 | Rédaction : E Jamin